How To Use Stera-Sheen Grill Cleaner


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All ingredients are generally regarded as safe (G.R.A.S.) as Listed by FDA. Recommended use range of 275-325 degrees fahrenheit. Safe for use on food contact surfaces.

  1. Scrape grill/griddle with spatula or scraper to remove loose food debris.
  2. Measure 2 fl.oz. of Stera-Sheen Grill Cleaner and pour on hot flat-grill cooking surface (325 degree F for best results).

    Note: For upper plate of 2-sided grill (if applicable), apply 1-2 fl.oz. of Stera-Sheen Grill Cleaner with sprayer.  Approximately 13 sprayer pumps equal 1 fl. Oz.

  3. Immediately spread Stera-Sheen Grill Cleaner liquid over entire cooking surface with an appropriate hi-temped rated, grill brush to remove any food soils. Do not allow product to remain on hot surface more than 2 minutes.
  4. Using a squeegee, move liquid from cooking surface into grease trough.
  5. For heavily soiled surfaces it may be necessary to repeat Steps 2-4.
  6. Turn off grill/griddle unit and place a damp cloth on cooking surface and wipe it clean.
  7. Season the freshly cleaned grill/griddle surface when hot with a thin coat of liquid shortening.

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